Monday, July 2, 2012

Birth plan

Today i met my Doula Anika. We had a nice long chat, not just about the Pregnancy, but about A LOT of other things. We even discovered that our husbands served in Iraq together { small small world huh}. Well she encouraged me to type up a Birth plan. I always thought birth plans are only for natural deliveries but boy was i wrong. She gave me a GREAT sample letter and i typed up a few myself. I thought i would give you a sneak peek.

Birth Plan for the Bxx family


Mother's first and last name:  Jennifer Bxx
Father's first and last name:  Thomas Bxx
Sibilings Names : Annabell Melina & Hailey Marie
Due Date:  August 13th 2012
Other support people:  Doula Anika Hayes
Name of obstetrician:

 DURING DELIVERY / RECOVERY &  REGARDING BABY  – In the event a general anesthesia needs to be performed, I understand that some of my requests cannot be honored.

1. I would like my privacy and dignity to be respected at all times
2. I would like to carry out the shaving myself at home
3. I would like to meet the staff member in the OR who wil be participating in the Cesarean.
4. Explain all medications that will be used to me. I prefer bolus and oral medications versus PCA afterwards.
5. I would like to take photos & videos of the birth of my baby. I respect that the surgeon and the anesthesiologist may not want the entire surgery on video, however i would like a record of my Baby being born to make it as personal as possible.
6.  I would prefer the use of spinal/epidural
7. i would like for the Catheter to be put in after the spinal
8. I would like my arms not to be strapped down so i may touch my baby freely
9. If I should need to have a general anesthetic we would like my partner to stay so he is present at our baby’s birth and can hold him or her,
10. I prefer not to have any students present at the birth
11. We would like to have a commentary of what is happening up to and including the birth / for the whole time spent in theater
12. Please do not remove my ovaries or anything else that isnt medically necessary.
13.  I prefer to have dissolvable stitches
14. please lower the curtain and hold my baby up so i can see him/her at the moment of birth.
15. We / My partner would like to cut the cord
16. i would like my baby placed skin to skin on my chest immediately after basic assessments while in the OR. My husband can hold baby there with a warm blanket over my Baby.
17. I would like for my husband and baby to stay in the OR with me while surgery is completed and remain in recovery with me.
18.I request my baby not to be bathed or fully dressed until i have the opportunity to touch, cuddle etc with my Baby and i am able to participate in the Bathing.
19. We would like to hold our baby immediately.
20.  If the baby needs medical assistance requiring leaving the OR i'd like for my doula to attend me in the OR while my husband goes with the baby so i am not alone
21. We would like to be consulted if our baby needs to go to special care
22. If the baby needs to go to special care we would like to be taken to him/her as soon as possible after the operation
23. Delaying immunizations, even eye ointment and vitamin K
24. NO tests shall be performed or medications administered, etc without my or my husbands consent & prior knowledge
25. I would like to be offered regular pain relief which does not conflict with my desire to breastfeed. This includes not being given a drug that will make me too drowsy
26. Please limit persons who touch or attend my baby to only those on staff as needed and my husband.
27. I intend to breastfeed on demand
28. I would like our baby with me at all times unless I request otherwise
29. If someone arrives to visit, please check with my husband or I as to whether we are up for company before allowing them in our room.
30. I will breastfeed exclusively, NO Pacifiers, NO Glucose water, NO Formula should be given to my Baby

I know that some of these points might be a No Go { such as hubby being there if i have a general anesthesia but its worth a try right ????


candacejg said...

Hubby should be able to be there every step of the way. Odds are you won't need general anesthesia though. They are very particular about photos & videos in the OR. They also may not lower the curtain, I don't think my docs allowed that. Hubby got to watch only as they first pulled DD out. We are requesting he be allowed to cut the cord; last time they didn't even give us the option. Not sure on the eye oitment/vitamin k. I also don't know if you have an option on having your arms restrained, I don't think you do. Most of it looks perfect, just depends on your hospital/doctors what they allow I think. My hospital is fairly accommodating, I'm sure yours is too :) I have had 2 c-sections, this will be my 3rd (and last LOL).

Unknown said...

Hey Jen,
I am glad to see that you work on your birthplan,
let me know when you have it and I am going to help you to have a good base to discuss it with your doctor.
Nothing I see is bad for you or baby' s condition, it is about the hospital and their policies and the doctors preferences.
This is for you the chance to be an active participant of your birth.

Maike said...

i had no idea there is such a thing as a birth plan or labor and delivery tours LOL one never stops learning =)
i hope they will respect your wishes and everything will go smoothly!

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