Wednesday, April 4, 2012


OK i have to Vent BIG TIMES right now..... Before Hubby and i even found out we are pregnant, we decided to keep Babys Sex a Secret. Once we had the BFP we told family & Friends about our plan not to reveal the sex until baby is born. Everyone was really supportive and all BUT my Family { well more like my Mother } this morning we skyped and the first thing out of her mouth was " is the baby ok"  {no hi schatzi how are you & the kids....} i told her yes baby is OK, baby weighs 1 pound even and has no Spina bifida and no markers for DS... she then asked " did you find out the sex? I told her YESSSS with a big smile on my face... and she goes " well what is it...." i told her " you KNOW T & i are not going to reveal the sex....." she goes "but i am the grandma i DESERVE to know, i cant wait until august, you are so friggin MEAN, how can you do this to me" bla bla bla...
 OK first of, i didnt know that you DESERVE to know the sex of MY baby JUST because you are the Grandma..... SECOND, i dont have to tell anyone ANYTHING. You are not the one carrying this baby, nor did you put it there so you have NO say in it.... COME ON GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK..... i was SO pissed but treid to stay calm.
THEN she said " well you know we thought about printing out the ultrasound pics you have and take them to Dr.K and have him tell us the sex of the baby ........... OH BOY i swear i was SO close to losing it, the only reason why i didnt blow up was because my children were with me. HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT OUR WISHES LIKE THAT, WHO THE EFF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???????? I am seriously at a loss, how can ANYONE just THINK about doing something hurtful like that??????? CANT YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL BABY IS BORN


Liz Feathers said...

Ohhhh wow... are you kidding?
If i tell my mom that she would not pull this crap. This sux, i can imagine how much it hurts coming from your mom. I am so sorry. i guess you cant post any pix of the baby that could reveal the gender. Or block her from seeing your pictures. Its messed up cuz its your mom. I am sorry. she does not DESERVE to know. Its YOUR baby so it YOUR choice. Tell her to back off or you wont update her on any other information. I m here for ya girl if ya need to vent, i dont have a storybook family myself :)

K'sWifey said...

Wow, that is messed up.
i agree, i wouldn't post any pictures anymore or block her from seeing the album. OR call Dr. K and tell him, your mom has been going crazy and not to tell her the gender of the baby in case he can see it. OR you tell your mom, if she does that, you won't talk to her ever again. But i am pretty sure, she is just blowing hot air. Seriously, do you think she would pay 10 EURO just to see the doctor so he can tell her but then think she has a hole in her roof for the rest of his life lol

Anonymous said...

Wow! And from your mother. Of all people you would think she would be the one NOT saying stuff like that. She is the one who was being mean. Its you and Toms baby, not anyone else's. Im excited to wait and find out what your having. Its a rush of anticipation!!! Im all ears if you ever need to vent and Im sure there are others who dont mind either :)

DeAnna said...

She cannot do that cause of hippa laws. I hate it when people do that. My MIL is just like that too. If she does't get put up on a peddle stool she is a complete bitch!! She was pissed because when we where prego with Alexa I wasn't letting anyone in the room with us excpet me Scott and kids. She turned into a complete me bitch throwing everything mean she could in my face. Well she didnt get to see Lexie till she was a little over a month old because of it and if I had my choice I wouldn't have let her at all. I was so mad and hurt that what was supose to be a special time turned out to be nothing but hurt. Just because your a grand mother don't give you rights at all. If she takes the pictures you gave her to a doctor and they do revile the sex I would sue them for invasion of your privacy. But I don't see any doctor doing that because it breaks the hippa laws. Hang in there and don't let her bully you into telling you. (((((hugs))))

Maike said...

wow... that's a piece of work! i m so sorry your mom is being selfish like that! but i think deanna is right. dr. k. can't tell her the gender cuz doctors have a schweigepflicht (no idea what that is in english LOL). so you should be ok =)
grandmas! they think they own you!

jess said...

wow thats shitty she should be supportive also i dont think she can do that anyways due to doctor patient confidentality that dr could get in bog trouble if u were to persue that he had done that. Just dont let it bother you and stick to what you want you dont need the extra added stress with everything else u have going on all u need is a healthy baby girl or boy :)

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