Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I feel so useless, because there is nothing I can do, to make this pregnancy easier for sticky bean! I feel like as soon as we get some "good news" we get a whole bunch of crappy news thrown at us as well. Like " the baby has a strong heartbeat....... BUT....... there is a lot of blood and your baby his implanted very low" it seems like I can't catch a break!. I am trying everything I'm my power to keep this baby, God knows I couldn't deal with another loss!

I also thought about not updating this blog for a while, because I feel that some of the ppl on FB are getting annoyed by my Whiney complains and don't wanna hear no more of it! Which I understand then most of them have never had to deal with any of this and don't know/ can't imagine what it's like to go through this! But I also know that I have a few kick ass friends that support me and are not annoyed and want those updates, so I am confused and not sure what to do! I might have this blog for invited friends only


Anonymous said...

hun don't worry about those ppl if they don't wanna hear it then maybe they shouldn't spend their time stalking your blog or fb!!!!!!!!!
You have a lot of ppl who are parying for you and keeping you in their thoughts including myself so excuse me for saying but screw the rest!!!!

NicoleA said...

I in no way can truly understand how you feel but pleasr know that my heart is breaking for you. I agree with the anonymous post, screw the once who act like that, but I do understand how irritating it must be. If you block blog from uninvited viewers at least you will know the ones here do truly care. I am so so sorry for all your heartaches. I am praying for you. May our great lord wrap his loving arms around you and sticky bean and give you the strength you both need to keep fighting. {HUGS}

Liz said...

Hun... if ANYONE gets annoyed...THEY SHOULD NOT BE READY THIS.. i feel with you.. with EVERY WORD you write...I think you should keep the blog... It seems to help you deal with all this... by talking about it.. knowing you are not alone... !! They dont wanna read it.. they dont need to click it... Keep ya head up... dont care what the others say ok... <3 Lobbs u

Anonymous said...

I dont feel like your whining. Bring on the updates, let it out, keep the people who really matter...updated. The people who are happy and curious to hear about the things going on, should be the only ones to know...your right about that. Keep your head up girl. Your strong and I know you will pull through. I love hearing about everything going on with "sticky bean" The good and the bad. We are all hear for you Jen and Tom!! Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

And to add on...I agree with the others above...if they dont want to hear it...stop checking out your blogs and fb!

An Na said...

Thats right, who ever is annoyed is probably grown enough to delete you of their list or dont read your uptades! ugh..i just hope everything will turn out good! my fingers are still crossed. xo

K'sWifey said...

First of all - if YOU decide that you don't want to update the blog anymore, because it makes YOU feel uncomfortable then that would really be the only reason why you shouldn't update the blog anymore... if people get annoyed by your posts, they don't have to read them or can just delete you and then don't have to deal with it anymore!! And second - you are doing A LOT and you are not useless, you go to the doctor and get everything checked as soon as you're concerned, BUT you need to try to get rest sweetie, all this stress is not good for you :( i didn't read what the others above said, because i didn't want to forget what was on my mind to respond lol

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