Wednesday, January 11, 2012

husband pregnant as well???

well i know its not possible for him to actually BE pregnant... but he sure EATS like a preggo chick!. He has been stuffing his face all day!he eats/ snacks CONSTANTLy... and tonight he had a pretty big dinner ( lasagna with a breadroll and cucumber salad) and not even 20 minutes later he ate TWO big plates of left over chinese food... RIGHT NOW he is sitting on the couch stuffing his face with popcorn and german "twizzlers"..  that man can EAT!. and he doesnt gain ONE POUND.... {so jealous}

me?! i dont have an appetite what so ever. i ate a small breakfast and then dinner. i dont snack / eat sweets as much as i did with the girls or even before i became pregnant. Which i dont mind at all, im pretty sure, once im out of the first trimester my appetite will be back { in full force}

EDIT: i think the reason why my husband eats so much is that now food {according to him} tastes SO much better since he quitt smoking last year { go hubby}


Maike said...

oh i remember that time. it drove me freaking nuts how much jon was able to munch all day and not gaining a pound! but now, with 28, it's finally catching on! when he eats all day and doesn't work out, his belly gets fat! but lucky for me he doesn't want to be fat, so he watches what he eats or works out.

yay for tom for one year smoke free!!! keep on rocking!

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