Monday, July 9, 2012

Dr. Visit.

Well there are a few good and lots of bad news after today's visit. The good news is, the doc that is going to deliver the baby is really nice and I actually feel comfortable with Him. { he commented on My English - said it was perfect- so that gave him plus points LOL} then, he said they have quite a few cases like mine at the hospital, so they KNOW what they are doing, and they are stoking up on my blood type. We did not get to schedule the c-section just yet, my dr. Will have to check his OR schedule and give me a call. But we will definitely have the baby by the end of next week.
He explained that different high risk docs will be present at the c-section, as well as the NICU, that's really comforting. I just hope everything goes smooth and I will be to hold baby ASAP.
Now the bad news. Since I have a severe case of previa / accreta I will have to have general anesthesia, which means hubby will NOT be allowed in the OR. I am SUPER bummed about this, but it's whats safest for me and baby! The doc explained the procedure to me.
After baby is born They will clamp the umbilicus cord and put it back into my uterus { to prevent blood loss} then they stitch my uterus back up {again to prevent excess bleeding} and remove the uterus and part of my bladder. That is going to take a few hours..... A few hours that I will not get to see or hold my baby :(
I told DH that as soon as baby leaves the OR I want him to go with baby, there is no need for him to sit in front of the OR while I have surgery. I want him to be the one to hold baby no one else.

We also got to see baby again :) I am a lil worried about the measurements. Baby's head and abdomen etc measure ahead, but baby's arms and legs measure short.
Now this could have a simple explanation, such as not getting good enough pictures of the FL to get correct measurements etc so I try not to worry about this, but everyone that knows me, knows that I will worry anyway.

This is it for today, I am off to snuggle with my loved ones


K'sWifey said...

i just read the last 3 updates and i am so sorry for all the bad news :(
Please don't worry about the measurements, it can't be really accurate by now, since you are so far ahead. Sticky bean is a trooper and he/she will hopefully be a healthy lil sunshine. I am crying a little bit. Tom was so happy when he was present when hailey was born and he is here, when sticky bean will be born and he can't even be with you :( that is so sad. I will continue to pray that you and the baby will be going home safe and sound. Many hugs to you sweetie

Maike said...

sounds all good to me! and at least tom is there to hold baby while you get all fixed up! we'll keep praying for you guys!

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