Friday, November 25, 2011

Still Felling blah

I am 6DPO and I feel like total crap! I don't think I am getting sick..... It's not an all day thing, like you would expect when sick, it's only after I eat and at night! No flu / cold symptoms either, just this weird nasty stomach and throat thing that makes me want to throw up!
{this better be morning sickness or I'll have a fit lol } and I swear I am bloated as hell!!!!! My friend Nicole took pictures of me yesterday and I almost had a heart attack when I saw myself in those pictures! I have about 5 days till I can test! I bought a whole bunch of cheap pregnancy tests and two nice ones {the kind that says "congrats you have a bun in the oven"- well it's more like "pregnant or not pregnant" but Who cares } I will start testing on the 29th and every day from that day until I have a clear positive / negative. Poor husband is suffering under my foul mood { he is convinced in pregnant just because of my short temper lmao} well I am going to snuggle up next to the hubby and try not to throw u ;(((((((


MamaCrowder said...

Sending lots of baby vibes your way!!!! <3 can't wait to start seeing those test!!! :)

K'sWifey said...


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